Welcome to The Boardroom
The Next Boardroom
Will be Thursday, January 8th in flower Mound
Contact John Brown at JBrown@CEOClubsTexas.com or Emily Gregg at Emily@CEOClubsTexas.com if you have any questions or would like to be a presenter at a future boardroom.
Learn from the best. Discover how to create your own success.
Have you ever wished you could ask highly successful people what their business secrets are? How they rose to the top and became the cream of the crop? What did they do? How did they do it? What advice could they share that would make a difference in your business or life? Well, now you can do just that.
The goal of The Boardroom is to provide you with the opportunity to find the answers you need.
- Want to know how to start your own business? Get entrepreneurial start-up business advice?
- Have a great idea, but don't know how to manufacture or distribute your widget or gadget?
- Need funding? Find out how to get angel investors and venture capital funds.
The Members of the Boardroom understand where you are in life, because they were there once too. Once average Joes themselves, they figured out how to master business challenges and more – how to change their mindset and rise above - and they took action to make it so. Now they are highly successful and they can help you learn how to change your business.
Thank you for visiting The Boardroom. We hope your time here is productive, informative and motivating. Iif you'd like to be considered as a business plan presentation candidate for The Boardroom, please
submit an application.